WHAT IS ENCredible?
ENCredible is a Digital Collection-as-a-Service (DCaaS) platform which enables Banks and Financial institutions to reduce the time it takes to analyse the consumer's ability and intention to pay and then devise and implement the optimal treatment plan.
At the same time, it uses machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML and AI) to establish successful contact techniques using online channels, making it genuinely agile and scalable. Moreover, the treatment strategies are automatically improvised with the help of machine learning and artificial intelligence..

From contacting the consumer Digitally via different communication channels to enabling instant payment collection, ENCredible is a Fully Integrated Digital Collections Service! ENCredible brings to the table ready integrations with Data aggregators, Payment gateway vendors and Digital Communication Channels.
WHY ENCredible?
ENCredible DCaaS assists a financial institution (FI) in transitioning from an automated to an intelligent debt collection method. The intelligence aids in smart collection using the most up-to-date digital collection platform. 'Smart' collections via ENCredible are achieved by using robust digital collections partnerships that give the knowledge about consumers and help in implementing AI-driven treatment techniques, agile and scalable processes, and continuous performance monitoring.

With ENCredible Banks and Financial Institutions can now
> Reach the consumer earlier
> Achieve Positive conversation outcomes
> Collect Insights based on Customer's Propensity and Willingness to pay
> Increase collection productivity
> Achieve fast churn of accounts
> Achieve Automatic Communication and
> Apply Optimized strategies for each account

> Provide self-service driven processes to its customers
> Ensure Business Compliance
> Achieve Faster Time to Market
> Let go of the IT headaches, Infrastructure/Operations Support management
> Operate in accordance with industry-accepted security standards
> Improve Debt Collection efficiency &
> Leverage ENCredible’ s ever-growing Digital Ecosystem
With ENCredible Banks and Financial Institutions can now


Automation & Artificial Intelligence

Digital customer engagement will gradually replace expensive contact methods like call-centre calls and one-way communications like letters and text messages.
ENTiger’s ENCredible Platform facilitates digital engagement by providing decision services and advanced analytics for segmentation and strategy execution and can also execute the actual Communication via automated voice and interactive messaging. Not only that, ENCredible Platform can integrate your existing collections as well as backend systems.
Your collection goals are significantly easier to meet with digital debt collection. Digital channels can not only scale more efficiently than call centers, they can also be accessed outside of normal business hours and switched to a preferred channel within the same conversation. In addition, millennial customers prefer a self-service option in debt collection, as it is perceived as less intrusive and non-judgmental.

Self-service solutions have shown to be effective in both early collection as well as post-charge-off recovery. They allow collectors to spend more time with the consumers who require empathy and guidance in exceptional situations.
Not only that, ENCredible also helps to cut down operating expenses while considerably increasing resolution rates. It's no surprise that digital communications offered by ENCredible is bound to become the new normal for all major lenders and debt collection agencies across the world!
Self Help Direct to Consumer website and mobile app
Debt Consolidation
Credit Counselling
Easy payments
Check your dues
Correct your credit reports
Update contact details
Claim reward points

What do you stand to gain by adopting ENCredible?
ENCredible is a Next Generation Service for Debt Collections. It is extremely efficient debt collection tool and brings in a lot of predictability. With ENCredible, Your customers get a seamless experience, and are likely to feel more confident in clearing their dues without a miss.
Our flexible & affordable Debt Collection Platform helps you save costs & achieve faster recovery which results in greater efficiency without the hassle of over-spending on recovery.

Gathering data across Lender, Credit bureaus, previous attempts social media, available public sources
Use business intelligence to segment each account into multidimensional buckets, using the enhanced data
Device a treatment plan for each segment(i.e. multi dimensional bucket) using the tools : communication type, frequency, timing, script, offers.
Execute the treatment plan using are preintegrated tools for communication and channel network
Secured digital payments using any authorized channel net banking, UPI, debit cards. T+1 money transfer from sub merchant ID of the Payment gateway.
Rich Graphical Dashboards and Reports
Integrate with the Lenders to provide the best offers to settle or repay the loans with high security and trust built in.